Rugby is a very popular sport played by men and women of every race and creed, from under age five to well over fifty, in over 100 countries inthe world. In a few of those countries it is the national sport - some say it is a religion.
The basic game involves 15 players though seven-a-side tournaments are also popular. The object of the game is to score as many points as possible by carrying, passing, kicking and grounding an oval shaped ball in the scoring zone at the far ends of the field - called the in-goal area. Grounding the ball, which must be done with downward pressure, results in a try (worth 5 points).
After a try a conversion may be attempted by place kick or drop kick. If the ball passes over the bar and between the goal posts the conversion is successful and results in a further 2 points. Points may also be scored from a drop kick in general play (worth 3 points) and a penalty kick (worth 3 points).
The ball may not be passed forward (though it may be kicked forward) and players may not receive the ball in an offside position, nor may they wait in such a position. Players may not be tackled without the ball. Play only stops when a try is scored, or the ball goes out of play, or an infringement occurs.
When the ball goes out it is thrown back in at a line-out where the opposing "forwards" line up and jump to win the ball from the opponents. When infringements occur, they result in a penalty, free kick, or scrum. In a scrum the opposing forwards bind together in a solid unit and push against the other forwards, trying to win the ball with their feet.
When the ball passes back out and clear of the scrum a team member (the scrum half) usually starts a set of strategies with the goal of scoring a try. Substitutions are only allowed in case of injury, as there is no separate offensive and defensive unit all players have to interact and take different roles during the course of a match.
In rugby a player who plays in the back of the field can be as likely to score a try (a goal) as a fast running player such as a scrum half (forward), a fly half (striker) or a winger (midfielder). Rugby is a sport where each and every team member plays just as vital role as another. All must pull together or lose.